New Year/New Me

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013! I never really want those years to go by because the older I get the more I realize that time goes by too quickly as it is.

2013 is going to be a new year for me. I have a friend who blogs (much better and more often than I) who spoke about a book she had read and put to practice choosing One Word each year. During that year you study about and try to live out the word you choose. This was something new to me, but sounded like it would be a great idea to start the new year out with. So, after thinking about the things I wanted to change and all the other years I have wanted to change the same things, I chose the word FOCUSED.

Now, that may mean nothing much to you at first glance, but this is my tale on the word I chose. I sometimes try to be “super mom” and do too many things at once. I have lots of changes I want to make, but I know if I go about them the same way I always have I won’t succeed. I have the propensity to flutter from thing to thing…meaning nothing really gets finished or completely accomplished. I also don’t do things for long periods of time. I am real good about it for a while and then just quit. That is why FOCUSED is the word for me!

I want to be focused on God and His Word, focused on my family, focused on our finances, focused on being healthy and continuing on my weight loss journey, basically focused on all those things that are important to me. That is going to take some sacrifice. I will be giving up some things in order to spend my time where it is best spent. I also know I will be met with disagreement on my choices or struggles that use up time I have carved out for specific things. The enemy doesn’t like people to be focused, he wants them to be running crazy and confused. I will not be easily confused this year!

I am also partnering with Beth Moore and her Siesta Scripture Memory Team. This is a year long journey to memorize 24 verses of your choosing from the Bible. I am choosing verses that, in my thinking, go along with my word focused.

I have SO much to say and I know that sometimes Facebook isn’t necessarily the best avenue for that to happen, so I am going to try and be more focused on keeping up with this blog.

Thank you for reading and please check back to see my progress for this New Year/New Me!
