Bible in 100 days–Say What?!

100 days to read through the entire Bible?! Does that sound impossible? Well, it isn’t! My friend Candace started a FB page that has grown to over 500 members!!!! 500+ people who want to hide God’s Word in their hearts–how AMAZING!!!!!

Yes, this seems like a huge task. The funny thing is, I haven’t found it as such. I have looked forward to each day to read more of God’s Word. I have seen things that are brand new to me, been reminded of things I already knew and just enjoyed spending time in the Word!

One of the first posts said to plan for 45 min a day to do the reading. The first day, I timed my reading (including note-taking and highlighting) and it took me 36:55 to finish Genesis 1-14! Basically, I would have spent that scrolling through Facebook or Instagram!


I can’t wait to post on things I learn during this process!  Would you like to join us? Click HERE to read Candace’s blog about this and how to join. It’s definitely NOT too late!

#Biblein100days #prayingthescriptures


Happy New Year!

Another year has come and gone and I have fallen behind on my goal to post more on my blog. Hmm–not surprising! BUT, with another year comes another list of things I would like to work on and this is on my “To-Do” list in BIG letters!

There are so many things I want to do this year and it seems as if a lot of it starts TOMORROW!!!!!  EEEEKKKKKK!!!! So, here goes!

Of course I’m on the “bandwagon” about eating healthier, exercising more, losing weight, saving money, getting organized and all the typical things that people want to start again in the New Year. But, I’ve also added some additional things that are important to me to this list! I would like to blog more, read more and read my Bible more–so spending more time in God’s Word is part of that.

I am involved in 2 online Reading Through the Bible studies–1 is in a year and 1 is in 90 days! Yes, I said 90 days to read the Bible from front to back! I’m sticking with both because the one that takes a year is different sections of the Bible….every day you read something different, but it refers back to the chapter you read the week before on the same day. We have a private Facebook group for discussion & prayer requests.

The other one you can find more information HERE! Candace has created a private FB for us to introduce ourselves and also for discussion with each day’s reading. This is gonna be great!

I’m also joining something I did a couple of years ago with Beth Moore’s SSMT (Siesta Scripture Memory Team). You choose a verse twice a month (the 1st and 15th) and memorize that verse. By the end of the year you have put 24 verses to memory!

I’m also wanting to get more scheduled….I love having a schedule and sometimes I can’t get everything in if I don’t have some guidelines!

So, here’s to a brand NEW year! I hope you will have a great one and I can’t wait to hear what you’re goals are for 2015!