Oreo Pancakes

I LOVE IT when I’m looking for a new recipe and find one I want to try on Pinterest! Well, today I actually modified 2 different recipes I found and then made it my own! Oh, here comes a Pinterest pin for me!!!! I hope you enjoy.

We have ice in our city today, so being “iced-in” the house I decided I needed to do something productive.

Freezer cooking is useful for me since I work full-time during the week, have a side business of photography and have a very active family. I am not one to make 30 meals in a day, but I do use my time to make double batches or just prepare something I can freeze while something else is cooking. I find that using my stove and oven while it’s warm certainly helps on my energy bills and I always have something in the freezer I can just pull out. Here’s what I made just in a few hours today: Pancake mix, Pancakes, Brownies, Seasoned Fries, chopped potatoes, mashed potatoes, corn muffins, pizza dough & chili. (In addition to supper.)


And this is what my freezer looks like after I pulled something from it for supper and added my cooking from today. 🙂  You CAN do this! This is just a few extra minutes to build up your supply. And, as you can see I have a stash of Banquet chicken for the kids! 🙂



My recipe tonight was pancakes. I wanted to find a homemade pancake mix that I could use to make a healthier pancake. I can’t vouch for how healthy these came out, but they were certainly delicious!

Here is the link to the recipe I found on Pinterest. I had actually found 2 and combined certain aspects before adding my own twist, but I can’t find that link. I will try to link it when I find it.

Pancake Mix

  • 3 cups whole wheat flour
  • 2 cups Bisquick (only because I didn’t have regular flour)
  • 1 Tablespoon salt
  • 1/8 Cup baking powder
  • 3/4 Confectioner’s sugar (sifted)
  • 3/4 cup butter cut in

Mix until mixture is a little crumbly. Store in airtight container or freezer bag. Store at room temperature.


Directions to make:

Use 2 1/2 cups mix

1 cup milk

1 egg

Mix in bowl until blended. Pour onto hot griddle sprayed with cooking spray. Top with your favorite toppings.

Tonight, I used OREOS….Yes, Oreos! They were absolutely delicious!!!!


I had some crumbled cookies left over from a recipe and I just sprinkled them on top of the pancake as it was cooking. I also made some with mini chocolate chips, flaxseed (there’s your healthy) and plain.


If you are using the same topping, I would suggest mixing it in with the mix before you pour, but I wanted to make a variety and freeze them. The possibilities are almost endless on toppings….fruit, cookies, flavored baking chips (choc, butterscotch, peanut butter chips, etc.). Use your imagination!


Now, if you like Oreos and pancakes or deep fried oreos, you will LOVE these!

What’s your favorite pancake addition?